Part 38: Beast Within 17: Eskimo Brothers!
Part Seventeen: Eskimo Brothers!Onward with Gabriel!!

So Gabriels just hanging with Von Glower and is telling him a little about Grace, when in walks

I believe her name is Greta, and she wastes no time at all in just grinding all over Von Glower. Gabriel offers to leave, so Von Glower whispers in her ear and

No, Gabriel, don' don't know where that's been. Like Von Zell.

Gabriel tries to decline, but Von Glower says something about Gabriel living like a monk in that castle down south.
Gabriel just told the obvious villain where he lives. Bravo.

I never want to see Not-Tim Currys post-coital glow again thanks very much. He drifts off and

Uh well, Von Glower inspects the Schattenjager Talisman (which looks like its the size of a dinner plate, that thing can not be comfortable to sleep with), and then

We have a little note from the good Baron, and we head to the map screen. And as an aside, WHO THE FUCK WRITES A NOTE LIKE THAT IN FULL CALLIGRAPHY?!? Well, I think we should go to Lochham first and check the news but Gabriel disagrees. Okay, then we better get our mail. To Ubergrau!

He hands over the letter, and Gabriel wont talk to him about anything else until he gets the tape recorder back from the club. Well, we should still read the thing first I think.

Except that Gabriel thinks that Grace is full of shit because hes a fucking moron. Ah well, lets go get his fucking tape player.

At the door, weasel-boy warns Gabriel that he should be on time or the hunting party will leave without him. Gabriel shrugs it off.

Once there, despite the lack of ANYONE ELSE IN THE FUCKING ROOM, Gabriel goes through a whole song and dance to sneak his recorder back out of the magazine and into his jacket.

So Gabriel plays the tape, and you just need to watch the video. Bottom line is that Von Zell is getting worried about Gabriel getting too close.

Gabriel then asks about the missing persons cases, and Harry pulls out a file that shows that in 1960-1969 there were only about 2 cases per year but the number skyrockets up following 1970, peaking at around 17 for 1991. Damn.
Well, theres nothing else to do with Harry, so what to do, what to do .saaaaay, know who we havent heard from in a while?

Awww yeah!

He absolutely refuses unless Gabriel can prove that Grossberg was more than just a random victim.

So, smug as all hell, Gabriel plays the tape for him.

Leber doesnt take it well. Gabriel cuts off his angry tirade, and says in exchange for a look at the ledgers, hell give information. So Leber calls them in and leaves the office to collect himself, but not before threatening Gabriel with German prison before he leaves.

So Gabriel, being Gabriel, steals evidence. Leber returns, and demands to know how Gabriel got the tape. Gabriel admits that Kingmann, Preiss, and Von Zell all attend the same gentlemens club, which is near where the body was found. Leber thanks him and says theyll put the club under surveillance. Gabriel doesnt want that because thatll get in the way of all his Schattenjagering, so he tells Leber that the club is called The Happy Wanderer near the University. Afterwards, we have a new locale to visit, Herr Langstrasse and his exotic import/export business.

Except hes not really the talkative sort. Apparently Grossberg owed this fellow around 14 grand, and he refuses to talk until he gets his motherfucking money. And of course Gabriel isnt just walking around with that in his pocket. Or his suitcase. Or his castle.
NEXT TIME: The Quest For Cash!